02 June 2010

Set preferred application for opening files

The Preferred Applications window (System > Preferences > Preferred Applications) allows you to configure a few basic settings: the default web browser, default email client, etc. However, for detailed control of which application is in charge of a particular file type, Preferred Applications falls a little short. Luckily, there is a way.

Let's say, for example, that you want to open mp3 files in Rhythmbox but you want your m3u playlists opened in a different application, like Tomtem. The following steps will show you how.
  1. From the desktop, launch: Nautilus by selecting: Places > Home Folder.
  2. Navigate to the location of an mp3 file. Any file will do. Next, right-click that file and select: Properties.
  3. Switch to the: Open With tab, where you will be presented with a list of applications. If for some reason Rhytmbox is not listed, simply click: Add. Scroll through the list, select: Rhythmbox then click: Add.
  4. Now select: Rhythmbox to set it as the default application for handling your mp3s then click close.
  5. Repeat this process for you m3u playlist file. Once complete, double-clicking on either an mp3 or m3u file will result in that file being opened with the appropriate application.

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